
With our seminars on a wide range of topics, we always have the right program to address the individual health needs of your employees and managers. Learn more about our health event, the internal company retreat, and our range of seminars:

Employees listen to a presentation at a health event by Medbase Fit im Job

Health event

Starting sustainable occupational health management together

[Translate to Englisch:] Eine Managerin nimmt an einem Retreat teil für eine bessere Work-Life-Balance.

Work-life balance management retreat

Managers consider their health and are individually coached for a healthy lifestyle

Thanks to the “Leadership and Health” management seminar, the team is motivated and gives each other high fives.

Management seminar: Leadership and Health

During the seminar, managers learn a health management style for improved team performance and less stress

A relaxed employee unwinds in nature

Seminar: Relaxation and Sleep

Employees determine their stress level and improve their recovery for greater well-being and better performance

A smartphone in water is symbolic of the “Digital Detox” seminar

Seminar: Digital Detox

Healthy use of digital media promotes focused work and better recovery

A hiker overcomes a stressful situation thanks to resilience training

Seminar: Resilience

Resilience training promotes the improved management of stressful situations in everyday life

A man in the office leans back and relaxes thanks to the “Mental Health at the Workplace” seminar

Seminar: Mental Health at the Workplace

Employees learn to protect and strengthen their mental health at work

A woman improves her physical well-being with the “Exercise and Nutrition” seminar and balances a basketball at the workplace

Seminar: Exercise and Nutrition

Participants learn effective tools for optimizing their fat metabolism and improving their well-being

A woman performs back exercises she learned thanks to the back health seminar

Seminar: Back Health

Back pain is a common problem. In our seminar, we show what a healthy back needs

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